// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Siege of Louisbourg (8 jun 1758 año – 26 jul 1758 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

Siege of Louisbourg (8 jun 1758 año – 26 jul 1758 año)


A nearly two-month siege of the French-controlled Fortress of Louisbourg by the British. After a few weeks of bad weather, Major General James Wolfe captured Lighthouse Point near Louisbourg on June 12. The British artillery then began bombarding the fort. On July 23, a cannonball set fire to the King's Bastion, the largest building in North America and the headquarters of the fort, damaging French morale. Three days later, British Admiral Edward Boscawen sent in a naval force that disabled the last of the French ships. The French surrendered and were forced to give up their arms and flags. The position of the fort allowed the British to more easily attack Quebec.

172 British troops killed
355 British troops wounded
102 French troops killed
303 French troops wounded
6,600 French troops surrendered

Añadido al timeline:


8 jun 1758 año
26 jul 1758 año
~ 1 months and 18 days