June 15, 2024

Take Two (26 feb 2019 año – 4 mar 2019 año)


On February 26, opted-in characters will receive a message on their device: MEET WITH [OTHER CHARACTER NAME]. A little suspect, but your curiosity is just a little piqued, isn't it? You'll probably regret that when you realize that the moment you come within 10 feet of the designated person, you're both whisked away to a distant, hostile location. Here's the deets:

Characters disappear from the village and reappear somewhere far-flung. They will have two large bags: One with camping supplies, the other empty. The location will be randomized.
Characters will receive an additional message: Work together to collect supplies. After a week of foraging, they will be whisked back home with their booty.

They will face a monster and make a pretty bad-ass discovery. At least, that's the hope. They could just ride the fail boat all week. The monster could be the giant crawfish, another wendigo, something else, or something totally new. But if the characters work together, and if they sync up mentally just right, they will discover THEIR POWERS COMBINE into a new, even more powerful ability.

Character matches will also be randomized. New combo powers will be announced later along with the matches and locations. Matches will need to be made up of two different colors, so keep an eye out — We may put a call out later for additional volunteers depending on how the colors ratios shake out.

Añadido al timeline:


26 feb 2019 año
4 mar 2019 año
~ 6 days
