June 15, 2024

Salt March (12 mar 1930 año – 6 abr 1930 año)


The Salt March, led by Mohandas Gandhi, took place from March 12 to April 6, 1930. The Salt March's purpose was to defy British rule and also boycott against the British salt industry in India. The salt industry was important to the British because they benefit from a lot of income from the Indians buying their salt and their sales tax. To oppose the British, Gandhi led his followers 240 miles to the seacoast. There, they made their own salt and distributed them to the Indians. In the process, there was no violence from the Indians even when the British started to show violence and arrest the Indians. The Indians' peaceful approach and Britain's violent reaction won support for India across the globe.
The Salt March was important because it was a major boycott against the British and hurt Britain's economy. Also, the Salt March won the Indians international support for their independence, which pressured the British to make a decision on whether they would let the Indians self-rule because international attention meant humiliation and disagreement from other countries. The Indians' peaceful approach showed the British that they do not have power over the Indians because they could not stop them from making their own salt no matter what they tried. This was essential because it led the British to realize that they need to give the Indians what they want or they would continue to be powerless and humiliated.

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12 mar 1930 año
6 abr 1930 año
~ 25 days