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April 1, 2024

Typhoid (9 oct 1896 año – 1 ene 0 año)


• Facts
o 15 million Aztecs died due to the fever
o Bacteria in the urine or feces of a person where the disease multiplies in the intestines then later effect the bloodstream
o From contaminated water and food
o Poverty area are more likely to be effected due to lack of clean water supply
o Salmonella Typhi which can only infect humans and replicate in the blood
o The original theory was from miasma
o Typhoid Mary: 1 of 50 healthy carriers (asymptomatic carrier)
o Not eradicated

♣ 47 members came down with Typhoid Fever from Mary when she was a cook
♣ George Soper investigated the case
♣ Stigma
o Introducted of Municipal Water Purification Plant
o If untreated there is a 10-20% fatality rate
• Symptoms:
o Week 1: Diarrhea, delirious, high fever, abdominal pain
o Week 2: rose colored rash, constipation, weight loss, distended abdomen
o Week 3: “Typhoid State:” delirious, laying very still and can potentially be life threatening
• Treatment/Transmission:
o Transmitted by the oral/fecal route which was associated with filth, poverty, poor sanitation, and bad smells
o Also, travels to liver, spleen, gall bladder, and bone marrow
o Wash hands regularly and make sure to ingest clean water and food
o Anti-biotics
♣ Ampicillin
♣ Chloramphenicol
♣ Ciprofloxacin
o Hydrate!
o There is 2 vaccines
♣ Live, attenuated oral vaccine which was 50-80% effective
♣ Subunit Intramuscular Vaccine which was 50-80% effected
o There is also supportive therapy such as Tylenol and IV Fluid
o XDR-Typhoid starting to become resistant to the antibiotics




• Not eradicated
• Historical Events:
o 1896: Discovered
o 1906-1907 Largest outbreak in the US
♣ Also when Typhoid Mary became public
o 1911: Vaccine developed
o 1915: Outbreak of Typhoid Fever at Sloane Maternity Hospital
o 1948: Antibiotic developed
o 2016: Outbreak in Pakistan

Photo Reference: Typhoid Lecture Slide

Añadido al timeline:

13 dic 2018


9 oct 1896 año
1 ene 0 año
~ 0 months
