June 15, 2024

Meiji Restoration (1 ene 1868 año – 1 ene 1878 año)


The Tokugawa Shogunate was the government of Japan in 1600 to 1868, and isolated Japan from the rest of the world for almost 200 years. They viewed foreigners as a threat and had laws that prohibited foreign trade and the Japanese from interacting with them. After Commodore Mathew Perry of the US Navy sailed into Tokyo Harbor and forced trade in 1853, the Japanese realized their weakness in enclosure as they couldn't defend themselves. Japan's leaders then designed a constitution and a bicameral parliament influenced by the Europeans. Basic human rights from the enlightenment were addressed and protected in the constitution. Emperor Meiji appointed a prime minister, two houses, and cabinet also in European style. The Navy and Military were heavily invested in by the government too. The French trained and helped them. Japan's industrialization was impacted greatly by western ideals, as almost everything, from education systems to banking systems, were based on them.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1868 año
1 ene 1878 año
~ 10 years