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April 1, 2024

Qin Dynasty (1 ene 221 año aC – 1 ene 207 año aC)


Xin Shi Huangdi was the first emperor and a brutal leader of the Qin Dynasty. Huangdi undid power of regional leaders, brought Nobles into the emperor’s home, selected Officials from non-aristocratic groups to form alliances, and many more things. Innovations such as a National census, tax and labor services, the standardization of coins, weights, and measures, a Uniform written language, Irrigation projects, and the promotion of manufacturing silk helped the dynasty grow. The Downfall was due to Huangdi’s unpopularity. His high taxes, attacks on intellectuals, and brutal punishments led to his death adn the fall of the dynasty

Añadido al timeline:

12 dic 2018


1 ene 221 año aC
1 ene 207 año aC
~ 14 years
