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April 1, 2024

Frondes: 1 and 2 (9 ene 1648 año – 2 agos 1651 año)


Key aspects:
- Against the foreign Cardinal Marizan, who was in power at the time; disliked his being from Italy and taxes levied for expenses of the 30 Years' War
- Nobles of the robe (noblesse de robe), members of the French parlement, formed the first revolt (48-49)
- Nobles of the sword (noblesse d'epee), who were the traditional aristocracy who had been soldiers during the medieval period, formed the second revolt (50-52)
- however, once in-fighting began, crushed
- resulted in people's faith of the crown being the answer for peace

Añadido al timeline:

18 nov 2018


9 ene 1648 año
2 agos 1651 año
~ 3 years and 6 months