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April 1, 2024

Elizabeth I (30 mar 1558 año – 14 abr 1603 año)


The Elizabethan Age
In spite of the celebration of E in the lireature of the time, her long reign was not devoid of tensions and anxieties.
These years were marked by the belief in man's capacity to improve himself sinvr human acheivement now seemed without limits: discoveries of Indies, beginning of experimental sces, Copernican world system
→spirit of enquiry, could lead to pride and ambition (cf Shakespeare and Marlowe)

But literature tended to reflect the reassuring belief in the older order (medieval vision)
-The Great Chain of Being: evthg has a place in a religious hierarchical structure
-Correspondances: macrocosm (universe, microcosm (man), body politic (state), divine order (god)
Parallelism btwn universe & body p meant that social disorder was reflected in the universe

Añadido al timeline:

17 nov 2019


30 mar 1558 año
14 abr 1603 año
~ 45 years