// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. English Civil War (22 agos 1642 año – 3 sept 1651 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

English Civil War (22 agos 1642 año – 3 sept 1651 año)


The English Civil War was a series of wars between Charles the I, The king of England at the time, and Parliament. Charles I was an activist of the theory of Divine Right of Kings, which many disagreed with, leading to tensions, and the ongoing conflict between the government and the followers of the King. Charles I also was a Catholic and England at the time was slowly but surely becoming more religiously tolerant. There were multiple issues with the church, and this combination of friction and religious tension led years of war. The post-war period led to the fall of the H.R.E. and weakening of Habsburg powers.

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22 agos 1642 año
3 sept 1651 año
~ 9 years