June 15, 2024

The Walking Dead: The Fall of the Governor: Part 1 (Novel 3) (14 h 8 abr 2004 año – 1 h 33 m, 12 abr 2004 año)


NOTE: The Fall of the Governor makes a lot of mistakes throughout the novels. Such as Rick's group spending a week in Woodbury and two years having passed since the outbreak started. The comics have taken priority when it comes to this arc.

- Day 264 > 268
- Lilly and Alice watch the arena fight.
- The arena fight ends, the Governor makes an announcement.
- Lilly lies awake thinking about what Bob said.
- Martinez, Lilly, Gus, David, Barbara and Austin go on a supply run.
- The Stern's tell their honeymoon story.
- They arrive in Hogansville and loot a gold mine warehouse.
- They spot a helicopter crashing and go to investigate.
- They rescue the helicopter survivors.
- Stevens tends to Christina and warns her.
- Austin asks out Lilly, the Governor kills Christina.
- The Governor visits Stevens, three strangers arrive at Woodbury's gates.
- Lilly trains Austin, she falls out with Stevens.
- The Governor tortures and rapes the woman, Lilly and Austin have sex.
- The Governor goes home.
- The Governor wakes up and sees Bruce.
- Lilly and Austin wake up.
- The Governor finishes his third session with the girl, Lilly raids a pharmacy.
- Stevens tells Rick about the Governor and Woodbury.
- Lilly and Bob talk.
- Martinez goes to see the Governor.
- Eugene murders Harold.
- The Governor finds out about Harold's death.
- The Governor and Bruce go to see the girl.
- The girl is invited to fight in the arena.
- Lilly waits for Austin by his apartment and tells him she's pregnant.
- Martinez visits Rick, the girl ruins the arena.
- Lilly and Austin celebrate Lilly's pregnancy.
- Martinez helps Rick's group escape Woodbury.
- They leave Woodbury, Stevens dies.
- Lilly and Austin bury their pasts and look to the future, Michonne visits the Governor.
- Michonne tortures and mutilates the Governor.

Añadido al timeline:


14 h 8 abr 2004 año
1 h 33 m, 12 abr 2004 año
~ 4 days
