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April 1, 2024

Rise of Aramaic (11 jul 711 año aC – 8 sept 571 año aC)


Following the decline of Babylon as a regional power, the Aramaic language supplanted Akkadian as the lingua franca of trade (Mark, “Assyria”). The Aramaic alphabet was also much easier to read and write with, causing the imperial court to prefer Aramaic to Akkadian. The language survives to this day as the Syriac language, used as the liturgical language of the Syriac Church and as the indigenous language of Syrian minorities in the Middle East.

The language shares many features with other Semitic languages, and looks a little like modern Arabic or Urdu. You can read up on how to write in Aramaic here http://www.nativlang.com/aramaic-language/aramaic-writing.php#h34

Añadido al timeline:

29 oct 2018


11 jul 711 año aC
8 sept 571 año aC
~ 139 years