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April 1, 2024

Age of Enthronement (1 ene 1 año – 31 dic 4605 año)


The Age of Enthronement began with the founding of Absalom, and its inception is also the starting point for the Absalom Reckoning dating system. The Age of Enthronement spans the years from 1 AR until 4606 AR when Aroden, the god of humanity, died.

This age is characterised by the emergence of a number of gods who ascended to divinity through the Test of the Starstone. The mortals who survived the test and became gods were Aroden in 1 AR, Norgorber in 1983, Cayden Cailean in 2765 and Iomedae in 3832. The nations of Andoran and Cheliax were founded as expansion from the kingdom of Taldor. The Oath Wars raged across northwest Garund between 2498 AR and 2560 as the churches of Nethys, Norgorber and Sarenrae vied for dominance. The Whispering Tyrant arose in 3203 AR invoking the Shining Crusade in 3754 AR which burned for three quarters of a century and ended with the founding of Lastwall to defend against the return of the lich king. In 4305 AR Cheliax began an extended period of expansion annexing lands in Molthune and Varisia which would become known as the Everwar.


Añadido al timeline:

2 ene 2019


1 ene 1 año
31 dic 4605 año
~ 4608 years