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April 1, 2024

Age (8 ene 2007 año – 29 agos 2007 año)


During this time, I remember always going to bed earlier than my parents/brother or other adults/older kids and hating it. I remember how it was unfair that they were older and allowed to stay up so much later than me.

I was very upset at having found out about the differences in age between me and older members of my family and their social circle and how they were able to enjoy everything so much. I used to resent that they were older and got to stay up, but over time, I began to stay up later and realized it was just normal and part of growing up. I ended up not minding at all. I began to forget the age gap and eventually I saw my younger cousins react the same way and saw it as a normal mark of growing up. Later on, I began to notice the different political views people had based on their age and the experiences they lived through during their life.

Añadido al timeline:

25 oct 2018


8 ene 2007 año
29 agos 2007 año
~ 7 months