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April 1, 2024

Science and Engineering (1 ene 70 año aC – 1 ene 1453 año)


The Roma's took a practical approach to their study of science and engineering Roman scientist wanted results that could benefit their society. They studied the stars to produce a calendar. They studied plants and animals to learn how to obtain better crops and meat. In the AD 100s, a great doctor named Galen noticed the difference between arteries and veins. The Romans made cement made of lime volcanic rock and ash. They also created something called the aqueduct it brought water from the mountains down into the city. The Romans also created lasting structures by using arches. Because of its round shape, an arch can support much more weight than other shapes.

Añadido al timeline:

7 nov 2017


1 ene 70 año aC
1 ene 1453 año
~ 1524 years
