// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Sample of an long event (11 h 30 m, 3 oct 70 año – 6 h 42 m, 9 jun 79 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

Sample of an long event (11 h 30 m, 3 oct 70 año – 6 h 42 m, 9 jun 79 año)


Politicians and generals went to war to increase their power even as political order broken down in Rome . Politically inspired riots to restore the power of the tribunes . All the while, more and more people from through out the republic flooded into the city , further adding to the confusion .

Añadido al timeline:

8 nov 2017


11 h 30 m, 3 oct 70 año
6 h 42 m, 9 jun 79 año
~ 8 years and 8 months