// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Theodore Roosevelt Was president (4 h 54 m, 6 feb 1916 año – 23 h 56 m, 6 abr 1916 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

Theodore Roosevelt Was president (4 h 54 m, 6 feb 1916 año – 23 h 56 m, 6 abr 1916 año)


Theodore Roosevelt, United States President from 1901 to 1909, made many strides that heavily influenced the Progressive Era. He was known as the first modern president, and his many achievements within this time show this. One big thing that impacted America until now is Roosevelt’s many ordeals with the working class and employers. He always wanted working environments to be fair and safe, two seemingly simple things that were not always present prior to his presidency.
Additionally, we have Roosevelt to thank for many of our beautiful National Parks and conserved lands. By restricting private development in some spaces, Roosevelt effectively saved things for generations to come. Many of the acts also placed on the timeline were put into place by Roosevelt. Continuing, by extension, because Roosevelt's hand picked the next president, it could be said that he also impacted any acts from 1909-1913, during William Howard Taft’s presidency.
While these things may seem like they’re assumed and nothing special for a president to pass, before Roosevelt, these were not commonplace. He has impacted not only the Progressive Era, but the entire future of the United States, including now.

Añadido al timeline:


4 h 54 m, 6 feb 1916 año
23 h 56 m, 6 abr 1916 año
~ 2 months