June 15, 2024

marvel cinematic universe (2 mayo 2008 año – 29 jul 2018 año)


In 2008 Marvel Studios started something totally new something that most company's in Hollywood had thought of as a suicide mission marvel studios created the bedrock for a cinematic universe a set of movies with different casts all inhabiting all inhabiting the same universe the reason no company had dared to try and create an interconnected universe like this one before was for a few big reasons one being the lack f understanding on how to structure a cinematic universe this is something marvel overcame by planning out a begins and end for every separate movie and how it would fit in to a large team up movie at the end of each wave of films this created a through line for every character and planned out were every character needed to be by the end of there story the marvel cinematic universe is also more notable than something like the universal monsters films as these films have forever changed the industry in a number of ways for example they showed that a cinematic universe wasn't just economically viable but could tel a ongoing narrative well and act as a new way to show character growth by have them interacting with other characters on the same level as them in universe adding a new dimensions to there characters ad they had longer to tell story's with them , the MCU also made producers more prevalent figures in the industry as the head of all decisions at marvel studios is Kevin Feige who is just executive producer so he oversees all films in this universe of films to keep continuity between films. the impact of the marvel cinematic universe can be seen through the industry as meany other company's have tried to copy marvels success like universal with there dark universe and warner bros with there dc extended universe two examples of clones of marvels template that struggled to find there footing as they focused more on making a cinematic universe than good films to make a bedrock for a larger universe. this is the main problem with the cinematic universe in my eyes the reason these cinematic universes faile is because the focus more on setting up future movies instead of making the current film good to make audiences want more

Añadido al timeline:


2 mayo 2008 año
29 jul 2018 año
~ 10 years

