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April 1, 2024

Haudenosaunee Confederacy (31 ene 1401 año – 4 jul 1776 año)


The Haudenosaunee are considered to be one of the longest lasting participatory democracies in the world, with Archeological evidence going back to the 15th century. In addition, they had the Great Law of Peace which was an oral constitution that laid out the way to peace and harmony between the nations.

The Haudenosaunee Confederacy assisted in the development of classical liberalism in that they set the foundations for constitutions. These include principles such as the division of power, equal participation between by all men and women, and the establishment of rights and freedoms (e.g. freedom of speech, religion and rights of the individual, etc.).

Añadido al timeline:


31 ene 1401 año
4 jul 1776 año
~ 375 years
