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April 1, 2024

Life of Democritus (460 BC - 370 BC) (16 jul 460 año aC – 16 jul 370 año aC)


Democritus, along with his teacher Leucippus, was the first person in history to present the idea of an atomic universe. These two philosophers believed that everything in the world is composed of these small particles, called atoms. The name 'atom' stems from the Greek word 'atomos', which means "uncuttable". Democritus also proposed the "discontinuous theory of matter", which stated that matter was finite and not limitless, opposing the continuous theory of matter. For example, a piece of matter could only be divided a certain number of times and not endlessly.

Añadido al timeline:


16 jul 460 año aC
16 jul 370 año aC
~ 90 years