June 15, 2024

New Era of 'Multiculturalism' Emerges in Canada (late 1960s-early 1970s) (23 sept 1967 año – 8 ene 1974 año)


"... the late 1960s and the early 1970s began the dawn of a new era in Canada, characterized by a commitment to human rights and racial equality, As the story goes, after loosening heighly selective racial restrictions throughout the 1960s, state officials proudly embraced Canada's newly minted status as a 'multicultural nation,' a status formally adopted in 1971. A significant investment in crafting a national identity based in racial and cultural harmony and inclusion was underway This represented, to many, a turning point in Canadian history...

...On the surface, an official multiculturalism policy enshrined in law, along with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, appears to counter past forms of state-based discrimination This appearance of equality, however, relies on the erasure of the conditions of Black life in Canada's recent past, as well as its present. For most Black people residing in Canada, neither racial equity, nor 'inclusion' or 'liberty,' to use Trudeau's words [in his speech during the 44th anniversary of official state multiculturalism], have been achieved. Instead, the realities of ongoing Black subjection only remain more hidden form view. Economic, social and political subjugation remain a definitive facet of Black life in Canada. This reality, too frequently rendered invisible by the rhetoric of Canada as a welcoming mosaic, was neither natural nor accidental, but constructed by people. Multiculturalism is better understood as part of a historically continuous practice of outward tolerance, of trying to 'contain blackness through discourse of Canadian benevolence' (Walcott 2003: 44). Its uncritical and ubiquitous adoption into Canadian identity has served to disguise and insulate Canada's racial hierarchies, and has obscured the state's role in failing to address--even proactively re-creating-- the material conditions of Black suffering."

Robyn Maynard. Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present (2017). Pg. 50-51

*Time range approximate

Añadido al timeline:


23 sept 1967 año
8 ene 1974 año
~ 6 years and 3 months
