June 15, 2024

The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor (Novel 1) (18 h 22 jul 2003 año – 16 h 15 sept 2003 año)


NOTE: The novel series doesn't fit well in the timeline when pared with Telltale's games. Because Telltale has more solid dates, evidence and less mistakes, the novels have been adjusted to fit with the July 19th outbreak date instead of starting in late September.

- Day 3 > 56
- Philip's group clear out a house in Wiltshire Estates.
- Fox 5 News goes down, Philip's group discuss staying in the house.
- Brian and Philip investigate the noise.
- They have a large breakfast and explore Green Briar Lane.
- They sort through their inventory.
- Philip sees a large group of zombies wandering towards the house.
- Bobbie Marsh dies, Philip starts having dark thoughts.
- Nick and Philip bury Bobby.
- They start packing up their supplies, Brian makes a sign.
- They leave Wiltshire Estates, Brian leaves his sign by the gate.
- The Surburban gets stuck.
- They leave the Surburban and sleep in an abandoned school bus.
- Penny and Brian make a secret codeword.
- They rush back to the Suburban and spend all morning trying to get it up the hill.
- They give up and decide to make a Plan B: find a new car.
- The Buick breaks down, they go on foot and find a place to stay.
- They wake up to dogs barking and leave.
- They carry on to Atlanta and see horrific sights.
- They reach Atlanta, Penny finds a dead police officer.
- They stop in a mechanics shop and discover a tank.
- Philip gets violent with Brian.
- They rush breakfast and go out in the SUV.
- They come across more wreckage on the way to Atlanta.
- They find Capital Avenue and slowly go through it.
- Penny needs to pee, Atlanta looks gorgeous at night, however they realise that the city is full of the dead.
- They drive through a super herd.
- The SUV goes into a spin and crashes, they escape.
- Philip gets grabbed, they're saved by April Chalmers, they stay at the Chalmers' apartment.
- Philip and April talk at night.
- They clear the second floor, Brian kills his first biter.
- Nick finds an egress to the roof and they dump the bodies up there, Philip and Nick throw them off the edge.
- They try to eat dinner but the herd outside puts them off.
- They start a routine.
- Nick starts working on a makeshift catwalk.
- The Chalmers sing, Philip falls in love with April.
- Philip and April go on a supply run.
- They return to the apartment, David collapses.
- David Chalmers dies.
- Philip is told the news, David reanimates and is put down by Philip.
- They bury David and hold a makeshift funeral.
- They talk about David's life.
- April forgives Philip, they share a drink of cheap wine.
- They settle into the apartment.
- Nick shows Philip safe zones he has made.
- Brian's cough returns and the weather gets colder.
- Philip and Brian talk about David's reanimation.
- April and Penny show Philip their garden.
- Philip shows April Nick's safe zones and accidentally rapes her.
- Tara kicks them out.
- They reach a safe zone.
- They find some supplies in the barber shop.
- They enter 'Tom Thumb's Tiny Toy Shoppe', Penny collects toys.
- They leave on motorcycles.
- They stop at a rest area, Brian tries to ask Philip about April.
- They find a peach villa and stay the night, Brian thinks they're being followed.
- Philip confessed to Brian about April.
- They become accustomed to their new routine, Brian becomes paranoid about someone following them.
- The villa is invaded.
- Penny is killed, Philip loses the last of his sanity.
- Philip can't put down Penny.
- Philip rapes 'Cher' and forces 'Sonny' to watch.
- Nick tends to Brian and tries to put down Penny.
- Brian asks about Sonny and Cher.
- Nick euthanizes Sonny and Cher.
- They leave the villa, the car breaks down.
- They arrive at Woodbury, Georgia.
- Brian explores the town.
- They explore the town and keep to themselves.
- Philip brings Penny to the apartment.
- Brian finds out about Gavin and meets Stevens.
- Philip feeds Penny, Nick wants to leave.
- Brian meets 'Major' Gene Gavin.
- Nick kills Philip, Brian kills Nick.
- Brian kills Gavin and becomes Philip Blake; 'The Governor'

Añadido al timeline:


18 h 22 jul 2003 año
16 h 15 sept 2003 año
~ 1 months and 25 days
