June 15, 2024

The War Between the States (20 dic 1860 año – 28 mar 1869 año)


Also dubbed, "The Bloody American Civil War" in reference to it being the bloodiest conflict in American history.

Again starting in South Carolina, the state seceded in December of 1860 in reply to the idea of abolishing slavery within the United States. The remaining southern states, barring Maryland and Texas, would join South Carolina in the following months. In March of 1861, these rogue states would unite as the Confederation of Southern American States.

Virginia attempted to secede in February, however the Union would place the state under military occupation and martial law to keep it within the union. Texas would secede in March, but would remain out of the Confederacy. [See Surrender of Texas]

Other notable states and imperial possessions included; Yucatan, which due to it's isolation, didn't secede. Rio Grande, which was established as a slave republic, did attempt to secede from the American Empire, but the president of Rio Grande was able to suppress the revolts with Union aid. The Other Slave Republics of California and Central America did not attempt secession.

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20 dic 1860 año
28 mar 1869 año
~ 8 years and 3 months