June 15, 2024

Maya-American War (5 nov 1847 año – 18 oct 1862 año)


The United States had highly overestimated their military might against natives and underestimated the true strength of the Mayans in Yucatan. Not only were the Mayans more organized, numerous and well armed than any other Native group the United States had fought, but they were fighting in the jungles of the Yucatan peninsula.

Within a few months of their campaign, the United States knew their mistake. The former districts of the Commonwealth of Yucatan were abolished and replaced with two states; the State of Yucatan [Under full US military control and only taking the Northern Coast] and the Military Territory of Campeche, which was under almost full Mayan control, except for the Western coast.

Victory was proclaimed in 1855, however this only marks the creation of the Campeche military territory. Conflict in the territory would continue between the US & Yuctanese military against Maya Guerrilla rebels until the Mayan Ceasefire in 1862, when the Union recalled the military to fight in the civil war. This marks the de facto independence of the Mayan Free State.

Añadido al timeline:


5 nov 1847 año
18 oct 1862 año
~ 14 years