July 1, 2024

Period 8 (1 ene 1945 año – 31 dic 1980 año)


American/National Identity:
-Period of continued growth in federal power.
-Expanding power and citizenship for various groups through Civil Rights Movement.
-Cold War pits American Capitalism, Christianity vs. Soviet Communism, Atheism.

Politics and Power:
-Beginning of decline of North and Northeast political power, rise of South and West (sunbelt)
-Democrats dominate national politics until Richard Nixon in the 1968 election.
-Civil Rights Movement challenges authority in the South in 1950s and 1960s.
-Women's Rights Movement and Second Wave Feminism focusing on equal pay and education in the 1960s and 1970s.

Work, Tech, and Exchange:
-Major economic boom after Second World War leads to massive baby boom.
-Economy begins to stagnate in 1970s due to oil crisis. Stagflation = High unemployment and high inflation.
-New Defense industry jobs in South and West leads to rise of Sunbelt.

Culture and Society:
-Religious revival in 1950s in part as a reaction to Soviet Atheism.
-Conformist culture encouraged by Second Red Scare; leads to mass media, nuclear family, suburbanization,
-Various social movements advocating more equality (Civil Rights, Women's Rights, etc.)
-Protests against US government (especially about Vietnam) by students.

Migration and Settlement:
-Movement from urban cities to suburbs thanks to cars and the baby boom.
-Nativist laws from 1920s limit immigration until 1965. After, we begin accepting immigrants from Asia, Africa, and Europe.

-Serious industrial pollution from 1945-1970.
-Begin to address pollution in the 1970s with Enviornmental Protection Agency (EPA), Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act.
-Dependence on foreign oil leads to conflict.

America in the World:
-Cold War dictates most foreign policy; commitment to the containment of communism leads to Korean War, Vietnam War.
-Periods of warming and cooling of tension between the United States and Soviet Union over 20th century. Nixon policy of détente begins easing of relations.
-Gradually gets involved in Middle Eastern conflicts in the 1970s.

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1 ene 1945 año
31 dic 1980 año
~ 36 years