June 15, 2024

DETENTE - 1962- LATE 1970s (27 oct 1962 año – 24 dic 1979 año)


a period of relaxation of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, roughly spanning the late 1960s to the late 1970s.

associated with U.S. President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev.

(not very precise but many historians say that:)
- starts with the end of the Cuban missile Crisis in 1962 => which heightened the fear of nuclear war, motivating leaders to seek ways to reduce tensions.
- ends with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan (among other things) => marked the end of détente as the U.S. responded with a more assertive and confrontational approach.

- fear of nuclear war
- Both superpowers faced economic challenges, and détente offered the possibility of redirecting resources from military spending to domestic needs

NIXON DOCTRINE: new approach to US relations with its allies: while they would still stick to traties obligations, they expected them t take care of their own defense => attempt to reduce US spending on weapons + send a positive signal to Moscow that americans were genuinely interested in reducing tensions.

Major Events:

Normalization of Relations with China:
Nixon's visit to China in 1972 helped ease tensions and shift Cold War dynamics.

SALT I (1972): Limited the number of ballistic missiles each superpower could possess.

SALT II (1979): Further limitations on nuclear weapons, although not ratified.

Helsinki Accords (1975):
Signed by 35 nations (including the US & USSR), addressing political and security issues and promoting human rights.


BUT didn't see the end of conflict => shifted to PROXY WARS

- both superpowers continued to support opposing sides in conflicts in places like Vietnam, Angola, and Afghanistan.

- Arms Buildup: Détente did not eliminate the arms race, as both nations continued to build up their military capabilities.

Añadido al timeline:

hace 4 meses atrás


27 oct 1962 año
24 dic 1979 año
~ 17 years