June 15, 2024

Lesson 5: Americans Revolt (1 ene 1760 año – 31 dic 1783 año)


Fearing conflict with France, English passed Proclamation of 1763, it forbid colonists to settle west, it wasn't obeyed. In 1764, the Sugar act, but it was repealed in 1766. In 1767, the Townshend act, duties were put on British materials. This sparked anger, so residents confronted British soldiers, fight started, soldiers shot/killed 5 colonists. In 1773, the tea act, it put tax on tea. It was seen as a threat to the colonists, so they poured 90,000 pounds of tea into the Boston harbor. Colonists established a militia, also called minutemen (ready to fight in 60 sec). April 18, 1775, the militia followed the British soldiers and met in the morning, shots were passed, 8 British soldiers were killed. George Washington was appointed militia leader. In 1775, congress sent a letter for peace (called Olive petition, olive branch symbolized peace) to King George III, but after seeing the results of the British in Bunker hill, he declined. Members of the committee agreed to pass the Declaration of Independence which followed the saying "life, liberty, and the pursute of happiness".

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1760 año
31 dic 1783 año
~ 24 years
