July 1, 2024

Hungarian Uprising (1 ene 1956 año – 1 ene 1957 año)


|1956 - 1957|

- The USSR had invaded Hungary at the end of WW1 and installed a Communist government lead by Rakosi.
- Rakosi was a brutal dictator
- who with the help of the AVH (secret police)
- imprisoned 200,000 and killed 2000+ political opponents
- He allowed the USSR control of the economy via Comecon meaning Hungary couldn't trade with the west resulting in a shortage of goods and a low standard of living.
- By the 1950's he was very unpopular

- Massive demonstrations force Rakosi out and Nagy takes over as PM
- Nagy was a modernising communist. He tried to introduce changes like free elections, trade with W Germany, withdrawing from the Warsaw Pact and applying for Marshall Aid from the US. (effectively asking the US for help against the USSR).
- Khrushchev was having none of it!
- He sent 200,000 troops and 1000 tanks to Hungry to crush the rebellion
- Hungary asked for help from Britain, France and the US but got nothing

- 30,000 Hungarians were killed and 200,000 fled
- Kadar (a strong communist) replaced Nagy as PM and then had Nagy executed
- The USSR sent out a warning to the other satellite states: dont try to break from the Soviet Union or Warsaw Pact (No one did, not even in the Prague Spring)!
- The West were horrified and became determined to contain communism (they didnt get involved due to the threat of war)

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1956 año
1 ene 1957 año
~ 12 months