July 1, 2024

Berlin Airlift/ Crisis/ Blockade (1 ene 1948 año – 31 dic 1949 año)


|1948 - 1949|

- The West depended on the USSR keeping the routes into/ out of Berlin open.
- Trizonia had Marshall Aid and launched a new currency in west Berlin to help it recover and have a strong economy. (To protect against the spread of Communism)
- Stalin wanted a weak Germany and saw the strong west Germany as a threat. He wanted the allies out of Berlin and separately a show of power.

- Stalin blockaded Berlin in an attempt to starve out Berlin and force the allies to give it up.
- The inhabitants needed 4000 tonnes of supplies each day.
- The allies flew in supplies.
- A total 27,000 flights were made before the USSR gave in and reopened the routes in
- May 1949.
- Stalin couldn't touch the planes because it would have been declaring war.
- However it cost over $200 million and
- 79 UK and US pilots died but
- It showed determination against communism

- In 1949, allied Germany officially became West Germany (or the Federal Republic of Germany, FDR) and USSR Germany became East Germany (or the Democratic Republic of Germany, GDR)
- Berlin remained in the GDR and remained a source of tension (2nd Berlin crisis)
- I believe that the creation of NATO was a consequence of the blockade.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1948 año
31 dic 1949 año
~ 1 years and 11 months