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April 1, 2024

Confucius (16 sept 558 año aC – 15 abr 479 año aC)


Confucius was a Chinese philosopher who was born in 558 BC and died in 479 BC. His teachings led to philosophy/religion called Confucianism. Confucianisms main ideas include respect for your elders, goodness, benevolence, and humanity. Confucianism is relevant because of the fact that Confucianism was the basis of the government during the Han dynasty. Confucianism effected the government by having it's ideals passed to millions of people through laws and regulations. Confucianism relates to the period 2 key concept of the Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural Traditions.

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25 mar 2018


16 sept 558 año aC
15 abr 479 año aC
~ 79 years