June 15, 2024

Elizabeth murdered 100's women (1 ene 1590 año – 1 ene 1610 año)


Elizabeth tortured and killed hundreds of poor Hungarian servant girls and women. On one occasion for her own pleasure, Elizabeth had Nádasdy restrain a girl covered in honey and proceeded to allow insects to consume her alive. Nádasdy gave Elizbeth claw-spiked gloves, to thrash servants for their mistakes. She often bathed in the blood of young women. She thought the virgin blood would give her eternal youth. During winter young women might be stripped naked and forced into deadly ice baths. Bathory sometimes tortured girls by driving needles into their fingers, cutting their noses or lips or whipping them with stinging nettles. She would bite shoulders and breasts, as well as burning the flesh, including the genitals, of some victims.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1590 año
1 ene 1610 año
~ 20 years