June 15, 2024

HISTORICAL ANCHOR 10 Yr Return Thucydides I:18 (1 agos 490 año aC – 31 jul 480 año aC)


Not long after the overthrow of the tyrants by the Lacedaemonians [Spartans], the battle of Marathon was fought between the Athenians and the5 Persians; [2] ten years later, the Barbarian returned with the vast armament which was to enslave Hellas [Greece]. In the greatness6 of the impending danger, the Lacedaemonians [Spartans], who were the most powerful state in Hellas [Greece], assumed the lead of the confederates, while the Athenians, as the Persian host advanced, resolved to forsake their7 city, broke up their homes, and, taking to their ships, became seamen. The Barbarian was repelled by a common effort: but soon the Hellenes [Greece],8 as well those who had revolted from the King as those who formed the original confederacy9, took different sides and became the allies either of the Athenians or of the Lacedaemonians [Spartans]; for these were now the two leading powers, the one strong by land and the other by sea. [3] The league between them was of short duration; they speedily quarrelled and, with their respective allies, went to war. Any of the other Hellenes [Grecians] who had differences of their own now resorted to one or other of them. So that from the Persian to the Peloponnesian War, the Lacedaemonians [Spartans] and the Athenians were perpetually fighting or making peace, either with one another or with their own revolted allies; thus they attained military efficiency, and learned experience in the school of danger.

Añadido al timeline:


1 agos 490 año aC
31 jul 480 año aC
~ 10 years