June 15, 2024

Agricultural Revolution (1 ene 10000 año aC – 1 ene 8000 año aC)


(if you actually think about it the Agricultural Revolution was super creepy like how did everyone start doing the same thing at the same time without communicating with each other this is basically like BuddyMeter and the country game ?? I don't understand are we all connected is this telepathy aliens send help)

Here we go through that process of civilization-ing that we're all so familiar with:

More food --> longer life expectancy --> lower mortality rates --> larger populations --> specialization of labor --> social hierarchies --> organized culture, politics, and belief systems --> technological advancements --> even more people (which calls for... more food!) and so on and so forth.

NOTE THE MILLION CURRENCY-OF-CHOICE QUESTION: How can we define a civilization, and does the use of the word imply that societies that differ from that definition are less cool than we are?
(unanswered, or answered so complicatedly that I can't be bothered to write it out here; just think on it)

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 10000 año aC
1 ene 8000 año aC
~ 2001 years