June 15, 2024

Reign of Emperor X̊ãshè Dẽsèsíts (10 h 28 dic 1690 año – 4 h 58 m, 7 agos 1696 año)


X̊ãshè was exiled from Velzenia for raping the daughter of a high noble. He was sent to Soleia where he worked in building the capital of the Velzen Colony. In the church in the city, X̊ãshè engraved his name into the wall behind the painting of Alo. However, after 26 years in Soleia, He moved back to Yueroki and began rising in power again. He married into a wealthy noble family and took control of it when the Duke and his heir both passed. X̊ãshè was then killed by the ruling Emperor, Emperor Itsíl

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10 h 28 dic 1690 año
4 h 58 m, 7 agos 1696 año
~ 5 years and 7 months