// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. 1933-1939: The German 'biological state' launches a campaing for racial hygiene. (1 ene 1933 año – 1 ene 1939 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

1933-1939: The German 'biological state' launches a campaing for racial hygiene. (1 ene 1933 año – 1 ene 1939 año)


The Nazi doctrine of “racial hygiene” prompted a vast state-sponsored effort to cleanse the human race through sterilization, confinement, and murder. Twin studies were used to prove the power of hereditary influences, and men, women, and children were exterminated based on an assumption that they carried defective genes. The Nazis extended their eugenic efforts to exterminate Jews, Gypsies, dissidents, and homosexuals. Here, Nazi scientists measure the height of twins, and demonstrate family history charts to Nazi recruits.

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17 jul 2021


1 ene 1933 año
1 ene 1939 año
~ 6 years