// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. October 1962 #7 (14 h 50 m, 27 oct 1962 año – 3 h 15 m, 17 jun 1963 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

October 1962 #7 (14 h 50 m, 27 oct 1962 año – 3 h 15 m, 17 jun 1963 año)


Three navy destroyers chase a USSR submarine. They drop depth charges in an attempt to brings the submarines into the surface. The commanders un the sub, too deep to communicate thought that war had already begun. So they prepared a nuclear torpedo. The Captain and the politival officers both autorized the launch. But Vasili Arkhipov, second in command, refused. He saved the day.

Añadido al timeline:


14 h 50 m, 27 oct 1962 año
3 h 15 m, 17 jun 1963 año
~ 7 months