June 15, 2024

The Crusades (1 ene 1096 año – 1 ene 1290 año)


The crusades were a series of religious wars fought between the Christians and Muslims at various times in this time period. It was fought in a region known as the Holy Land, which is now made up of countries such as Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The main aim was to gain control of important religious sites in and around city of Jerusalem. This was as it was an important religious city for Christians, Muslims and Jews at the time and continues to be today. Before the first Crusade, European merchants and travelers to Holy Land on good terms with local Arabs. Then Seljuk Turks, militant Muslim group took control of city, Closing Jerusalem to Jewish and Christian pilgrims. This caused Pope to call for Christian volunteers to form an army and recapture the city, resulting in conflicts that caused much death. It caused religious tensions that continue to the present day in that part of the world. Christian crusaders returned to Europe with many new goods and ideas from the Holy Land and went on to change European society in positive ways.

Añadido al timeline:

22 abr 2021


1 ene 1096 año
1 ene 1290 año
~ 194 years