June 15, 2024

First English schools (1 ene 1726 año – 31 dic 1726 año)


The Indigenous peoples who attended what is now called Canada for millennia had well-developed social and informal systems for educating community members. Nevertheless, because of their widely changing lifestyles, few remains of what would be recognized as Indigenous school facilities have remained the passage of time. Continual, dedicated school facilities have been an essential part of formal the School System since the beginning of European settlement in the early 17th century; and remain the most visible and recognizable symbols of mass public education in contemporary Canada. These school environments embody society’s attitude to youth and education, and physical changes in school structures can be read as a reflection of changes in educational pieces of knowledge over time. School facilities are very important community assets with the potential to provide settings for lifelong learning as well as other venues for community recreation and services. For the reason of their centrality to community wellbeing, the growth, proliferation and removal of school facilities also provide insights into the shifting landscape of Canadian communal life, particularly exciting urbanization and rural depopulation. The few petites coles organized by the Roman Catholic clergy and other teachers in French Canada to teach reading, writing, arithmetic and religion appear to have been the first and, for many decades, the only schools in Canada. This marked the beginning of the one-room school as the symbol for education in frontier communities during North America for 300 years. Glass and other fittings were not available in Canada at this time and during the winter months, the poorly lit rooms could only be used a few hours each day. Only the larger centres, such as Quebec and Trois-Rivieres, had substantial buildings; most were one-room schools that were small in contrast to the one-room schools of later centuries because population concentrations were small and the finished building materials required considerable manual labour. As the culturally detached French Canadian population increased in the 17th and 18th centuries, schools opened where there were a parish priest and a suitable building.

By Tahera

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1726 año
31 dic 1726 año
~ 12 months
