June 15, 2024

Discovery of Oil (1 ene 1857 año – 1 ene 1858 año)


In the early 1800s, there were large reserves of oil being used in Asia and the Middle East. However, the least known North American sources were very small. Also, limited commercial value. With a fast working industrialization happening in North America throughout the mid-1800s, oil was becoming extremely important and gainful. Oil gave heat and light, allowing for longer workdays. It fuelled machines, that augmented or replaced human and animal labour. A larger emphasis was placed on looking for brand new sources of natural resources, especially oil and other hydrocarbons. Some Governments encouraged and sponsored the exploration of the interior of North America, and official geological surveys were accepted to find out these efforts.

In Canada, Sir William Edmund Logan and the Geological Survey of Canada was responsible. It was founded in 1842, the GSC was responsible for mapping British North America’s geological resources. In 1850, Thomas Sterry Hunt, a geologist with the GSC, reported oil seeps from swampy “gum beds” in Enniskillen Township, Lambton County, Upper Canada. This reserve would become the source of North America’s first biggest oil boom. One year later, this discovery was confirmed by Charles Nelson Tripp who is a businessmen, who may have preceded Hunt to the Enniskillen oil source. Tripp sent samples of the substance for analysis, which showed that, once refined, the oil was suitable for industrial purposes. He started a company that harvested the oil and marketed it as kerosene and as a waterproofing sealant.

By Tahera

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 1857 año
1 ene 1858 año
~ 12 months
