June 15, 2024

Lunarium is found by Agaean explorers. (1 nov 201 año aC – 12 dic 201 año aC)


Explorers were sent by the King Mycenae of Agaea to see if there was a pass through the Silver Mountains and if there was to find out if there was land or people. As the explorers traveled they find evidence of old towns and villages. They continue traveling and found an old hut with a old man in a rocking chair on the porch. The man told them of a little known path through the Silver Mountains. The explorers went through the Moon Path and when they arrive at the other side they found a watchtower with soldiers clad in a metal they had never seen before. The soldiers told the explorers to stop. The explorers stopped and the soldiers asked were the men had come from. The men answered with "The Kingdom of Agaea!" and asked the soldiers the same. The soldiers said that they belong to the Kingdom of Lunarium. Then the soldiers asked the explorers to come with them and the men agreed. Days passed and the explorers saw things so unimaginable that they seemed magical. The men met Queen Vigilance of Lunarium and were asked questions such as where they were from and why they were there. The explorers answered truthfully. A few days later the explorers were allowed to go home. They arrived home and the news of the finding of The Kingdom of Lunarium spread through the entire continent within weeks.

Añadido al timeline:

1 dic 2021


1 nov 201 año aC
12 dic 201 año aC
~ 1 months and 11 days