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April 1, 2024

Battle of Philippi (2 jun 1861 año – 3 jun 1861 año)


On June 2-3, 1861 the “first inland battle” of the civil war was fought in West Virginia. Robert E. Lee sent troops without estimating how much time and effort they would need. His men were brought into battle with little or no training, rusty muskets, and only 1,500 caps for their weapons. Major General George B. McClellan saw this opportunity to come into Virginia and attack. On June 2, a rainy day, the troops sent by McClellan made its way into battle with 1,600 troops, while the troops sent from E. Lee had 1,400 troops. On the 3, Union claimed victory by finding where the confederates were sleeping and only killing 10 troops. This battle in all only lasted 20 minutes.

Information - HistoryNet: Battle of Phillipi
Picture - americacivilwar.org

Añadido al timeline:


2 jun 1861 año
3 jun 1861 año
~ 24 hours
