June 15, 2024

WW2 (1 sept 1939 año – 2 sept 1945 año)


In late August 1939, Hitler and Stalin (Russian leader) signed the German-Soviet Nonaggression pact, basically saying that the two countries would not take military action against the other.
Hitler had been planning for this war for a while, and on the 1st of September later that year, he invaded Poland from the west. A bit more than 2 weeks later, on September 17th, Russia joined in and Soviet Troops attacked Poland from the East. Being attacked from both sides, Poland was soon overrun. From then on, a lot of things happened that involved the world, that are a bit too complex to explain here, but basically, Hitler also wanted to kill all the Jews and try to Invade the Soviet Union (breaking the terms of his agreement with Stalin).

Añadido al timeline:


1 sept 1939 año
2 sept 1945 año
~ 6 years