June 15, 2024

Reign of Tullus Hostilius (1 ene 673 año aC – 31 dic 642 año aC)


Tullus Hostilius was the legendary third king of Rome. He succeeded Numa Pompilius and was succeeded by Ancus Marcius. Unlike his predecessor, Tullus was known as a warlike king. The reign of the third king of Rome ended, when Tullus Hostilius died in 642 BC, a victim of the plague.

Tullus Hostilius was the grandson of Hostus Hostilius, who had fought with Romulus and died during the Sabine invasion of Rome.

The principal feature of Tullus' reign was the defeat of Alba Longa. After Alba Longa was beaten (by the victory of three Roman champions over three Albans), Alba Longa became Rome's vassal state.

Hostilius during his reign created the college of the Fetiales that concluded all treaties in the name of Rome.

Añadido al timeline:


1 ene 673 año aC
31 dic 642 año aC
~ 30 years
