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April 1, 2024

The Long March (1 ene 1934 año – 1 dic 1935 año)


- CCP forced to flee Jianxi due to GMD attacks

- Walked a long journey, that took over a year, to get to Yanan

- Very few survived (20,00 out of 100,000) and arrived at Yanan

- CCP and Red Army spread communist ideology to peasant population they crossed

- Other CCP leaders emerged,
- Deng Xiaoping (future head of the Anti-Rightists campaign and CCP general secretary)
- Lin Biao (future head of Peoples Liberation Army)
- Zhou Enlai (future Preimier Minister and Minister of Foreign affairs)
- Zhu De ( )

The Yanan years 1935 - 45:
- Mao developed his ideology (wrote political works)

- Mao imposed leadership over the CCP and emerged as its leader

- Spread communism via the Red Army

- Land reforms, literacy, and medical care implementation continued

Añadido al timeline:

24 jun 2020


1 ene 1934 año
1 dic 1935 año
~ 1 years and 10 months