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April 1, 2024

Washington Naval Treaty (1 ene 1921 año – 6 feb 1922 año)


In order to prevent an arms race after the war, a talk began in Washington D.C. between representatives from the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, France and Italy in November of 1921. The Washington Naval Treaty was signed on February 6th 1922. Causes of this were the United States wanting to limit the naval arms race and wanting to work out security agreements. These events lead to a successful end to the construction of new battleship fleets and made limits to the size of the few ships that were being constructed. The amount of money saved due to the treaty was used to build ships that were not covered under the treaty.

Añadido al timeline:

28 feb 2020


1 ene 1921 año
6 feb 1922 año
~ 1 years