June 15, 2024

American Civil War (12 abr 1861 año – 9 abr 1865 año)


The American Civil war was a war fought between the northern states and southern states of America. as the northern states began to rapidly industrialize while southern states became prime land to build large plantations of crops. as a result, the Industrial northern states didn't use slaves, while the southern states became dependent on having them. the northern states began movements against slavery, causing mistrust between the south and the north. leading to the civil war

As America expanded westward the southern slave states started to become outnumbered in how many states they controlled and feared that if they lost to much power their rights would be stripped from them. Each new state in America became a battle for the north and the south sides for power

The Union Army had 2,100,000 soldiers and the Confederate Army had 1,064,000. 210,000 soldiers were killed and there were 620,000 total deaths in the American civil war, and over 65% of deaths were due to disease.

In the end, slavery was abolished and America redefined itself as a united country unlike there loosely bound states of the civil war. America now prizes itself as the land of opportunity and freedom.

Añadido al timeline:

20 feb 2020


12 abr 1861 año
9 abr 1865 año
~ 3 years and 11 months