June 15, 2024

Mark (1 ene 29 año – 1 ene 33 año)


Writer(s): Mark
Place Written: Rome
Writing Completed: c. 60-65 C.E.
Time Covered: 29-33 C.E.

The divinely inspired record of the ministry of Jesus Christ written by John Mark. This account of "the good news about Jesus Christ" begins with the work of Christ's forerunner, John the Baptizer, and concludes with a report of the circumstances surrounding Jesus' resurrection. Hence, it covers the time from the spring of 29 to the spring of 33 C.E. - Mr 1:1.

This Gospel, the shortest of all four, is a rapid-moving and descriptive record of the ministry of Jesus Christ as the miracle-working Son of God. Frequent is the use of "immediately" or "at once." (Mr 1:10, 12, 18, 21, 29) The account is almost evenly divided between conversation and action.

Time and Place of Composition
According to ancient tradition, Mark's Gospel was first made public in Rome, this being the testimony of such early writers as Clement, Eusebius and Jerome. Mark was in Rome during Paul's first imprisonment there. (Col 4:10; Phm 1, 23, 24) Thereafter he was with Peter in Babylon. (1Pe 5:13) Then, during Paul's second imprisonment in Rome, Paul asked that Timothy come soon and bring Mark with him. (2Ti 4:11) Probably Mark did then return to Rome. Since no mention is made of Jerusalem's destruction in fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy, Mark must have compiled his account before that event in 70 C.E. His presence in Rome at least once, and likely twice, during the years 60-65 C.E. suggests that Mark may have completed his Gospel there sometime during those years.

it-2 pp. 337-339

Añadido al timeline:

9 ene 2022


1 ene 29 año
1 ene 33 año
~ 4 years

