June 15, 2024

Quintus Ennius (239 - 169 BC) (1 ene 239 año aC – 1 ene 169 año aC)


Born in Rudiae (in Calabria (S. Italy)); brought to Rome as a slave of Marcus Porcius Cato (the Elder); went with Quintus Fulvius Nobilior on campaign in Anatolia in 189 BC; granted citizenship by Q. Fulvius Nobilior in 184 BC; died of gout during the Ludi Apollonares; revered much more than Livius or Naevius; first writer to adapt Greek hexameter verse into Latin.
Considered the “Father of Latin poetry.”
Said to have “three hearts” for all the languages he was able to speak: Greek, Latin, and Oscan
Comedies include: Caupunculus, Pancratiastes, Telestis
Tragedies include: Achilles, Aiax, Alcmeo, Alexander, Andromache, Andromeda, Athamas, Cresphontes, Erectheus, Eumenidies, Hectoris Lytra, Hecuba, Iphigenia, Medea, Melanippa, Nemea, Phoenix, Telamo, Telephus, Thyestes, Sabinae (historical), Ambracia (historical)
Ambracia is based on Quintus Fulvius Nobilior’s campaign and deeds in Aetolia
Wrote the Annales. (see synopsis) - most important work, 18 books long in dactylic hexameter, told history of Rome from fall of Troy to Ennius’ time.
Wrote Epicharmus. An account of the gods and the operations of the universe. In the work, Ennius dreamed that he died and was transported to a place of heavenly enlightenment. Written in trochaic septenarii.
Wrote Euhemerus. Named for the prose style of the Greek Euhemerus of Messene. The work presented a doctrine that the gods were not supernatural beings but rather great mortals that were commemorated in extraordinary ways.
Wrote Hedyphagetica. Only 11 lines are extant.
Wrote Sota.
Wrote Saturae. Written in a variety of meters. Possibly inspired by Callimachus’ Iambi.
His self-composed epitaph reads:
Aspicite, o cives, senis Enni imagines forman.
his vestrum panxit maxima facta patrum.
nemo me lacrumis decoret neu funera fletu
faxit. Cur? Volito vivo per ora virum.

Añadido al timeline:

12 sep 2017


1 ene 239 año aC
1 ene 169 año aC
~ 70 years