June 15, 2024

The Battle of the Alamo (28 feb 1836 año – 6 mar 1836 año)


The battle lasted 13 days from February 23 to March 6, 1836. On February 23 Santa Anna and his 1,500 soldiers marched into the city of San Antonio. Most of the Texans ran off to the old mission, the Alamo. The Alamo’s walls were 12ft tall and 2-3ft thick. Bowie had fallen ill and wasn’t able to fight in the battle. On the 2nd day, Travis sends out his first letter. On the third day, they fought for 2 hours that ended with 2 Mexicans wounded. Also on the third day, Travis sends Juan Seguin to deliver his letter. By the 5th day, the Mexicans had cut off the water supply. On day 7, there was a truce that allowed some of the people to leave if they wanted to. During the truce, Travis supposedly did his line in the sand speech. The next day 32 people from Gonzales came to help the Texans. Two days later 1100 more Mexican soldiers arrive outnumbering the Texans 10-1. One the last day, March 6, 1836, before dawn, Santa Anna and his troops attacked the Alamo. The battle lasted 90 minutes. In the end, every Texan died at the Alamo except for Susanna Dickinson and her daughter. Even though the Mexican killed every Texan soldier at the Alamo, the Texans managed to kill about 600 Mexican soldiers. The Alamo allowed Sam Houston some time to gather hid troops. It also greatly lowered the Mexican troops and influenced the Texans and made them want to fight even more.

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28 feb 1836 año
6 mar 1836 año
~ 7 days