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South Korean Democratic History

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Creado  Alexander Song  ⟶ Actualizado 12 nov 2017 ⟶ List of edits
Alexander Song
4.Gwanngju Protests
Students and people in Gwangju city protested and led to the death of protestors due to clubbing. The army later withdraws due to massive protests but later came back to suppress the protestors. This event signals a fracture between the people and the government as Chun Doo-hwan tries to keep his rule while silencing the people who oppose him. Moreover this protest brought in more than the usual protestors as blue collared workers joined the students and those from the opposing party.

5. Implementing Direct Democracy 1987
The implementation of a direct democracy in 1987 would signal an end to the previous authoritarian government. This form of democracy has been successful so far with peaceful transfer in power between the different parties. Presidents that emerged from this process such as Kim Young-sam would begin to clean up the mess made by its predecessors. Kim Young-sam: Got rid of secret military groups. Made it possible for the military to intervene in politics and punished the people from the former military rule
12 nov 2017
Alexander Song
1. 1948 Introduction of Democracy
The first introduction of democracy in South Korea would begin the process of democratization in South Korea. Even with a high voter turnout in the first election, 94.5% of the population came to vote, the road to becoming a full democracy would still be a bumpy process. Without any stable organizations in place, it would still take some time before the implemented democracy in South Korea came with guaranteed free and fair elections.

2. Declaration of Martial Law 1952 May
Declaraction of Martial Law in May by Syngman Rhee would be a clear indication of how the government has become less democratic in this time. Not only where a number of opposing National Assembly members arrested, but the citizens too would be put under watch. Syngman Rhee demonstrated through declaring martial law that his rule is not subject to criticism or change.

3. Military Coup 1961
The military coup of 1961 would signal a change in power to Park Chung-hee. This event would also set the precedent that military coup were a legitimate form of power exchange. Under this govermnet the KCIA would be created, the gobernment’s main security organization.
12 nov 2017
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