April 1, 2024

1 ene 1890 año - Battle of Wounded Knee


- Sioux natives wished to practice Ghost Dance (a resurgence of traditional native culture, conflicting with popular assimilation practices) in order to free their lands and lead to prosperity -- frightened settlers
- The federal army believed Chief Sitting Bull was organizing a rebellion, so the Army captured the chief (acting on the settlers' fear and suspicions)
- In a sudden exchange of gunfire between the tribe and the army, Chief Sitting Bull and others were killed
- The remainder of the tribe fled to a camp near Wounded Knee Creek
- When the army reached this camp, a shot was fired. In response, the army killed 200 men, women, and children
- Considered the last battle of the Indian Wars

Añadido al timeline:

14 abr 2018


1 ene 1890 año
Ahora mismo
~ 134 years ago